Sunday, April 19, 2009

Buyer's Market Update

You know there is just not much happening in the world of the unemployed. We did get a raise in our unemployment, but I don't think it is permanent. I received one lump sum check to make up for 5 weeks where I should have had the increase but it had been late in being paid out. But now each week I receive this extra money as a separate payment from the Employment Security Commission - it is not part of my regular unemployment check. But I am not complaining. I will graciously accept whatever they give me.

I found "another job on the Internet that I was perfectly qualified for." I called one of my recruiters to inquire about the position. She had not realized that I had all the experience the employer was looking for so it is a good thing that I followed up with her - something we should all keep in mind. A few days later, she called me back with a couple of follow up questions from the company about other experiences I would need to work for them. And once again, I had the background they were looking for. Another 3 days passed and she called again. This time it was to tell me that the company/employer had decided to change the job description and their requirements. We won't know until next week if I still match the criteria they are looking for.

This is what the job market and the economy have done for us. There are so many people looking for a job, that the employer can re-write the job description several times and in the process weed out people who are more than qualified. The potential employer could actually be loosing out but he/she thinks they are getting better people by doing this. When in reality they are limiting their exposure to highly qualified people.

Not only are these potential employers limiting themselves, they want to get a real bargain. It doesn't matter how much they change the job descriptions, they don't change the salary offer. They want bigger and better for less and less. Unfortunately, we are still in a "Buyer's Market."

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